Payton Dale
Jan 7, 2018
Life Changing Lingerie
Happy New Year, guys! I hope that you all had an incredible holiday season and are ready to tackle on your new year goals with the force...

Payton Dale
Jan 1, 2018
New look, who dis?
Hey, guys! You may notice that The Payton Project got a new facelift! Shawna Poliziani of @ShawnaPolizDesigns gave the website a much...

Payton Dale
Nov 20, 2017
Directing My First Music Videos
Tina Fey has this really great quote "Say yes and figure the rest out later." At least it goes something like that. This is the...

Payton Dale
Aug 30, 2017
I was on "Style Your Mind"
Holy crap, you guys! One of my all time favorite girl bosses Cara Alwill Leyba (bestselling author of the book "Girl Code" and all around...

Payton Dale
Aug 30, 2017
Styling Taylor Gayle
You can imagine the sort of interesting characters I get to meet due to my job. One in particular lately has really left an impression...

Payton Dale
Aug 12, 2017
My interview with Stephanie of Styledoll
I first met Stephanie Evans of Styledoll from the Slay Baby Collective. She did several Skype sessions with me and we immediately became...

Payton Dale
Aug 1, 2017
Behind the Scenes of Mason Zgoda's "Where Else Can I Go" video
At the end of Mason's last photo shoot she discussed a concept for a music video she had in mind. Â It was going to be like she was living...

Payton Dale
Jul 26, 2017
Styling Mason Zgoda
A local makeup artist by the name of Lisa Proctor sent me a text not too long ago that said she had a client she was working with who...

Payton Dale
Jun 30, 2017
I wrote a book!
Since the original Payton Place blog nearly a decade ago I have been told that I needed to write a book. This year has been the year of...

Payton Dale
Jun 25, 2017
Behind the Scenes of Callie McCullough's shoot
I met Callie McCullough at one of my live Fashion Friday events. A few months later one of her friends called me saying that she needed...