Behind the Scenes of Mason Zgoda's "Where Else Can I Go" video
At the end of Mason's last photo shoot she discussed a concept for a music video she had in mind. It was going to be like she was living in her own play. She would stay the same, but everyone around her would be moving and bringing props in and out that represented different periods of her life.
I was so excited to do props as well as wardrobe for this video. After getting to know Mason better as a client and now friend, we decided unofficially that Mason Mustard was her signature color. I really focused the color palette around over saturated primary colors to really tie in with her vintage themed branding. I designed the dress she is wearing as well!
My favorite part was getting my dad's 1966 Mustang convertible in a sound stage! I've never pushed a car in heels before! Here's some behind the scenes of the fun we had!