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Styling Taylor Gayle

You can imagine the sort of interesting characters I get to meet due to my job. One in particular lately has really left an impression on me.

I recently spoke at an artist development conference on the importance of branding and styling. After my speech I was approached by a beautiful young woman and her mother about styling her for some upcoming promo photos. Her mother then mentioned that her daughter Taylor was thirteen years old and needed to be styled in a way that was appropriate, but would make her seem "age neutral" which is incredibly difficult to do. These photos would not only have to have an edge to them, but I needed a team that would understand what we were going for.

Taylor is a highly intelligent and well spoken young lady. I credit her mom Brandy for raising such a force of a daughter. Most people in the industry have been afraid of Taylor's age. We wanted to embrace her old soul while keeping her fully covered up from neck to toe. It's hard to make her look bad in everything.

Per usual, I decided on three looks that ranged from fresh faced to full on dark glam. The clothes reflect the easy going, yet powerful woman that Taylor is becoming. They're some of my favorite images I've ever worked on. Here's a Behind the Scenes post for you guys. Look for the finished product soon.

Photographer was the wonderfully talented John Brown (He had just found out he was in the September issue of Italian Vogue the day before we shot these!)

Hair and Make Up was Lisa Proctor. She always manages to blend in with whatever crowd you put her in. Her energy is infectious.

We created something magical that day. I can't wait to share it with you guys!

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